The 6 microdosing protocols - which one is best for you?

"How often should I microdose?" This is what many novices and even advanced microdosers ask themselves. A microdosing protocol is a schedule indicating when and for how long you microdose. There are different ways of going about this. Currently, there are six different dosing schedules - or microdosing protocols, of which the Fadiman and Stamets protocols are the most well-known. Our friends at Microdosing Institute have identified the pros and cons of each protocol. We're happy to share them with you, in order to help you make the most out of your microdosing practice.
1. Fadiman microdosing protocol
Do you have no or little experience with microdosing? Then James Fadiman's protocol might be a good starting point for your first microdosing experiment. This protocol uses a three-day cycle, which you repeat for four to eight weeks. The first day is a microdosing day, followed by a transition day where you may still feel some of the effects of your microdose. The third day is a normal day, where you can reflect on how a microdose day is working for you compared to a day where you no longer perceive any effects. Try this microdosing schedule for at least a month to experience if it is right for you.
DAY 1: Microdosing day
DAY 2: Transition day
DAY 3: Normal day / Reflection day
DAY 4: Microdosing day
DAY 5: Continue cycle for 1 to 2 months
RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest (no microdosing)
Video: Expert James Fadiman explains the "Fadiman Protocol"
This protocol was developed by microdosing 'godfather' and researcher Dr. James Fadiman. Learn more about this protocol in the video below.
2. 'Two days a week' - Fixed microdosing protocol
The Fadiman protocol can be less than ideal for some people, because the microdosing days change every week. If this is the case for you, choose two fixed days in the week that best fit your schedule.
DAY 1: Microdosing day on a day of your choice
DAY 2: Transition day
DAY 3: Normal day / Reflection day
DAY 4: Microdosing day on a day of your choice. Keep a minimum of 1 day between microdosing days
CYCLE: continue for 1 to 2 months
RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest
3. 'Every other day' - Microdosing Institute protocol
This protocol was created by Microdosing Institute. People who microdose for medical reasons such as depression, (social) anxiety, ADHD, ADD, migraines or cluster headaches often benefit from microdosing 'every other day' using this protocol.
DAY 1: Microdosing day
DAY 2: Transition day
DAY 3: Microdosing day
DAY 4: Transition day / Transition day
CYCLE: continue for 1 to 2 months
RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest (no microdosing)
4. 'Intuitive microdosing' protocol
With this protocol, you intuitively decide when you want to microdose. The only rule is that you always leave at least one day between microdosing days. The reason for this rule is that the day after a microdose, you will have built up some tolerance to the substance you microdosed on. So on those days, microdosing is hardly effective. People who have followed the Fadiman protocol before usually switch to a more intuitive way of microdosing. They use microdosing when it suits them, or when they feel like it.
5. Paul Stamets 'stacking lion's mane' protocol
Paul Stamets is a world-renowned American mycologist, author and advocate of medicinal mushrooms. He developed and tested a new microdosing formula. According to him, the combination of a low dose of psilocybin, a niacin flush (vitamin B3) and the special mushroom lion's mane has a positive, lasting effect on the behavior and growth of brain cells (neuroplasticity). He calls the combination of the various substances "stacking. This protocol is explicitly developed for the combination: Lion's mane, psilocybin and vitamin B3/niacin.
We offer a ready-to-use 'Stamets Stack kit' that includes everything you need to get started with this method. Check out Microdosing Institute's article on the Stamets Stack for more information on quantities.
Stacking is said to work most efficiently if you adhere to the '4 days on, 3 days off' schedule (Stamets protocol):
DAY 1 through 4: Stacking Lion's mane, psilocybin and niacin
DAY 5 to 7: Rest or Lion's mane only
DAY 1 through 4: Stacking Lion's mane, psilocybin and niacin
DAY 5 through 7: Rest or Lion's mane only
CYCLE: continue up to 1 month
RESET: 2 to 4 weeks rest (no microdosing)
6. Nightcap microdosing protocol
Some people experience fatigue while microdosing truffles or mushrooms. Among that group, there are relatively many people who benefit from taking the truffles or mushrooms every other day before going to bed, to enjoy a good night's sleep. It works best if you take your microdose at least an hour to a few hours before bedtime. People who follow this protocol report having vivid dreams, and waking up well-rested and with a clear mind.
Extracts of the B. caapi vine and the San Pedro cactus can also be microdosed in this way. Continue this protocol for a maximum of 1 to 2 months. After that, you should take 2 to 4 weeks of rest, allowing your body and mind to reset.
DAY 1: Microdosing 'nightcap' evening
DAY 2: Transition day
DAY 3: Microdosing 'nightcap' evening
DAY 4: Transition day
CYCLE: continue for 1 to 2 months
RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest (no microdosing)
Which protocol works for you?
Which microdosing protocol is best for you is a matter of self-examination. Give it at least one to two months to try, that is much more useful than switching between protocols in the meantime. Our team still believes that it is best to start with the 'Fadiman protocol' or the '2 days a week protocol'. These two protocols are most suitable to get a clear idea of what Microdosing can do for you. The break between the microdosing days plays an important role: this is a good reflection day that allows you to experience the contrast between a normal day and a microdosing day.
- Could you use some guidance with making choices such as:
- Which substance is best for me?
- What protocol is most appropriate for me in my life situation?
- How do I find my sweet spot, my ideal dose?
- How do I get the most out of my microdosing experience?
Online guidance from the Microdosing Institute coaching team can help you with this. Book your online Zoom consultation here.